Who will be the "FT of the Week"? Fierce competition here since one killed an elderly woman and the other guy murdered his friends!
Thankfully, Comedian Jake Weisman is our Guest Judge and provides his expert verdict!
Plus: Of sneezing and goats.

---Information and Links ---
Site: DazedandConvicted.com
We're part of the Pod Awful Channel. Podawful.net
- Monica Hamburg (Twitter @monicahamburg, Vine, Facebook )
- Find Jake Weisman:
- and on Twitter (@WeismanJake)
- On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jake.weisman.1?fref=ts
- His sketch group is “Women”: Womencomedy.com
- He’s on Dave Ross’ “Holy Fuck” album (along with other awesome comics.) http://holyfuckcomedyalbum.com/
- Blog: http://jakeweismanyay.tumblr.com/
Special Appearance
- Our friend, "Malox The Mighty Expositor", in several sketch roles. (Not this time around - but generally.)
- This week's stories: It's The Devil!, I Shoot Great
- All episodes & guests - list here: Dazedandconvicted.com/p/full-guest-list_4.html
- We're also on Soundcloud (Full episodes) (Just the Mini-casts)
- Monica on The New York City Crime Report!
By subscribing:
- Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/DazedAndConvicted
- iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dazed-convicted-formerly-s/id436670413
- On Stitcher: http://stitcher.com/listen.php?fid=19756
- Via Email (see: http://dazedandconvicted.com/p/subscribe.html)
More snarky and weird content via:
- Twitter: @DazedConvicted
- Facebook: Facebook.com/DazedandConvicted
- Newsletter: http://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg
- I'm also on: the Podawful Channel Group: Facebook.com/groups/podawfulchannel/?fref=ts
- Email me: monica @ dazedandconvicted.com
- Tell me your choice for "FT of the Week" - comment on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
- Please help us by sharing the show! (From this site, from Soundcloud etc.)
- Other ways to promote the show here: http://www.dazedandconvicted.com/p/help-promote.html
- Sloan Garrett for the great Bill Allman ad (after the outro).
- Shiftypop does all our regular music: the theme song, interstitials, outro music. She has a CD out with her band ToyPop. you can get it on iTunes & Spotify. Sample the joy that is ToyPOP here: https://soundcloud.com/toypop
- Calso Art for the logo/album art
- For: “Competitor 1” etc.: Voice = abcdawg

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