
This is an explicit comedy podcast that comes in several flavors.

Presently, it's "Pornomedy"
where Monica Hamburg explores an assortment of odd user-named porn-titles, confounding tags, weird comments - and more!

Previously it's been:

- "Confined" she and a guest discussed strange and hilarious things she found on the net on "Confined"! Like especially bad porn tags & titles (#Pornomedy), peculiar products, strange spells, terrible t-shirts and more.

- Bizarre Craigslist ads on "Craigslost".

And there've been other itinerations. She's nothing if not consistent.

Monica's podcasts have been mentioned on The Huffington Post, Splitsider, won "Most Vulgar Canadian Podcast" and were selected for "New & Noteworthy" on iTunes a few times.

( "Episode List" here)

April 6, 2012

Episode 47 - Dress for Success!

How best to appear as though you've not committed a crime?
Should you run shirtless through the woods and then say you were doing it for a wedding - or simply show up at your victim’s house wearing the very items you stole?
Absolutely! If you're a FT...
These contenders are so stunningly clueless – and we’re lucky to have actor and writer Brendan Bradley to decide our "FT of the Week”.
Plus: Math questions created by the brothers Grimm?

---Information and Links ---

Other Joy

Podcast MP3

GET MORE FT action! We post more morons and weird content on:
Twitter: @rantmehard
Facebook: Facebook.com/sandmrants
Email: info @ rantmehard.com  (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com )
Get our newsletter https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg for additional weirdness!   
Shane Birley: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!  
Tell your inappropriate friends about us: rantmehard.com.  
Our Google+ Page: gplus.to/sandmrants
You can place your VOTE!
For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.) 


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