Figuring out how to truly enact your fetish isn't easy. It requires plausible excuses, excellent planning and a whole lot of whacked-outness.
Well, these FTs got one out of the three right...
We have a man who hung out in a neighbor's house naked - and a dude who dresses like an old lady to do some groping.
Sometimes pervyness and desperation are all the things you've got
and just when you think you're all by yourself, you're not.
We're grateful to have Comedian Graham Kay to decide on this week's "FT of the week"!
Plus: Zombie ranty casting notices...
---Information and Links ---
SHOW NOTES etc. on:
(Tell your inappropriate friends about us. Show them you're sick too!)
We post more morons and weird content on:
Well, these FTs got one out of the three right...
We have a man who hung out in a neighbor's house naked - and a dude who dresses like an old lady to do some groping.
Sometimes pervyness and desperation are all the things you've got
and just when you think you're all by yourself, you're not.
We're grateful to have Comedian Graham Kay to decide on this week's "FT of the week"!
Plus: Zombie ranty casting notices...

---Information and Links ---
- Graham Kay is at, on Twitter (@GrahamKayComedy) and Facebook (
- Graham's podcast is: The SportyBoyz
- This week's stories: Naked "non-robber", Cross-dressing pedophile.
- Thanks to Kevin Macleod at for today’s outro theme ("Batty McFaddin"). His site has lots of fantastic, royalty-free tunes.
- We have a whole bunch of episodes highlighting perverts! Try #37 with Monica's Mom as the Guest Judge: "Door-to-door Sexman vs. Maternity Wear Pickup Artist"
- More perverts on Episodes: 64, 59, 48, 37, 34 & 28. All those can be found under the appropriate tag of "perverts".
- I reference Episode 60 which has more of the Zombie guys casting postings.
- Last week, we had Jon Shefsky and Johnny Skourtis on who weighed in on some crazy pastors on "Episode 65 - A Kick in the Face May Be Quite Therapeutic But Trauma is a Gal's Best Friend".
SHOW NOTES etc. on:
(Tell your inappropriate friends about us. Show them you're sick too!)
- Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!
- If you use Stitcher Radio we are there too!
Please help us promote by sharing the show using the 1-click Facebook, Twitter and Email icons on the Stitcher app. - You can use any podcast service to subscribe, btw - feed is here).
We post more morons and weird content on:
- Twitter: @rantmehard
Shane Birley: (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
- Email: info @ (or shane@ or monica@ )
Get our (coming eventually) newsletter containing additional weirdness.
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!
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You can place your VOTE!
For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
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