Two more rules (for our Continuing Ed course on "Crime 101"): Don't call the cops on yourself, and assume that your victims won't be enthused about making a trade with you...
If this information surprises you - you may just be a FT!
Our Guest Judge this week is Comedian Chris Gore (of PodCRASH and many other things) and we could not be more relieved to have him sort out the FTedness for our "FT of the Week"!
Plus: a "straight", quick erotic story.
And, after the outro, we have a fun ringtone for you...
---Information and Links ---
If this information surprises you - you may just be a FT!
Our Guest Judge this week is Comedian Chris Gore (of PodCRASH and many other things) and we could not be more relieved to have him sort out the FTedness for our "FT of the Week"!
Plus: a "straight", quick erotic story.
And, after the outro, we have a fun ringtone for you...

---Information and Links ---
- Find Chris Gore at, on Facebook (personal:, page:, and on Twitter (@ThatChrisGore)
- Chris' podcast is PodCRASH!
- His new stop-motion animated comedy series (about dolls who work at a dungeon) is FetishVIL ( (Facebook:, Twitter: (@FetishVIL)
- Stories: Fire call and Trade
- Thanks to Kevin Macleod at for today’s outro theme (“Harlequin”).
- The ringtone music (after outro) uses this sound from "Dance Synth" by usinggarageband ( (Find the tone on our "Ringtone" page)
- Wondering what our intro - and the ringtone music is all about? You'll find out on last week's (special and longer) episode: "Episode 50 - Such Photographic FTs" with Derek Sheen.
- We featured a story about a man trying to get his gun back from his victims on Episode 44 - Buy Back Your Gun From Your Victims or Withdraw Money from the Bank You Just Tried to Rob?
- Rate and Review us on iTunes (remember: ever positive rating for us - is a vote for freedom and judgement.)
- (Use any podcast service to subscribe - feed is here).
- We're also on Stitcher Radio!
- Twitter: @rantmehard
- Email: info @ (or shane@ or monica@ )
Get our (coming eventually) newsletter for additional weirdness!
Shane Birley: (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!
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For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
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