Things that might push you over the edge: Getting fired, your partner breaking up with you, a cat urinating on your computer, arguing about how much sex you have. Wait, what were those last two?
This week's FTs are a baffling bunch - and the extra weirdness in the articles doesn't help things any...
So we are most grateful to Comedian Matt Davis who lends us his wit and brilliance to decide our "FT of the Week".
Plus: Spasmodic film descriptions.
---Information and Links ---
This week's FTs are a baffling bunch - and the extra weirdness in the articles doesn't help things any...
So we are most grateful to Comedian Matt Davis who lends us his wit and brilliance to decide our "FT of the Week".
Plus: Spasmodic film descriptions.

---Information and Links ---
- Find Matt Davis at, on Facebook ( and on Twitter (@mattdavis)
- My "bad girl" comment refers to Matt's very amusing post: "Yes, I like bad girls, Facebook. Now stop it."
- Stories: violence incited by Cat Pee and Sex Talk (should the cat pee link not work here are the exceptional pics.)
- Thanks to Kevin Macleod at for today’s outro theme (“Bicycle”). He has lots of cool royalty-free music, so check it out.
- Wonder about other FTed things that inspired violent acts...? You'll learn just how dangerous a Facebook unfriending can be on Episode 42 - "When you Friend an FT, You Friend for Life"" with Eli Braden.
- Last week, we featured... well the title sums up the prime FTery on display: "Episode 52 A Loving Pastor and Killer vs. A Cheesemaking Murderer and Politician!" - with Sam Tripoli.
- And Derek Sheen's Kickstarter project is at: Actually, less than 5 days to go! Make a pledge! (Derek's episode with us is #50, btw.)
- Rate and Review us on iTunes (remember: ever positive rating for us - is a vote for freedom and judgement.)
- (Use any podcast service to subscribe - feed is here).
- We're also on Stitcher Radio!
- Twitter: @rantmehard
- Email: info @ (or shane@ or monica@ )
Get our (coming eventually) newsletter for additional weirdness!
Shane Birley: (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!
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For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
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