Look, nobody said you'd love your kids once you had them.
Wait - everybody says that...
Well, this week the competitors are two gals who realized they weren't up for the task of child-rearing - only once they were considerably entangled. So they found some interesting ways of dealing with their problem.
Thankfully, Comedian Julian Kross is here to contemplate these FTs and weigh in on who merits the title of "FT of the week".
Plus: We learn about the hottest place to be!
---Information and Links ---
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We post more morons and weird content on:
Wait - everybody says that...
Well, this week the competitors are two gals who realized they weren't up for the task of child-rearing - only once they were considerably entangled. So they found some interesting ways of dealing with their problem.
Thankfully, Comedian Julian Kross is here to contemplate these FTs and weigh in on who merits the title of "FT of the week".
Plus: We learn about the hottest place to be!

---Information and Links ---
- Julian Kross is at (Juliankross.com) and can be found on Facebook (Facebook.com/JulianKrossComedy) and on Twitter (@JulianKross).
- He has a book: "What You Didn't Expect When You Got Knocked Up" available on Amazon. Buy it to avoid being a FT we profile on the show.
- This week's stories: Attentive Mother, Highway Watcher
- Thanks to Pete Mosley for the outro music: The Clemence Mosley Consort with their tune :"Crooked House" - from the album “MacGuffin” (iTunes)
- The dying sound-effect my cruel song is "dying" - Recorded by Mike Koenig via Soundbible
- Last week, one guy blames his gropping gals on... caffeine. Episode 61 - My Coffee Made Me Gropey and Other Tales of Woe - with Tom Simmons.
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- Rate and Review us on iTunes: a positive review for us protects from the bath salt zombie apocalypse!
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We post more morons and weird content on:
- Twitter: @rantmehard
Facebook: Facebook.com/sandmrants
Shane Birley: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter )
Monica Hamburg: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)
- Email: info @ rantmehard.com (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com )
Get our (coming eventually) newsletter https://tinyletter.com/monicahamburg containing additional weirdness.
Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!
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You can place your VOTE!
For your choice for "FT of the Week". (See poll below)
(You are also welcome to comment about them on Twitter, Facebook, via email etc.)
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