
This is an explicit comedy podcast that comes in several flavors.

Presently, it's "Pornomedy"
where Monica Hamburg explores an assortment of odd user-named porn-titles, confounding tags, weird comments - and more!

Previously it's been:

- "Confined" she and a guest discussed strange and hilarious things she found on the net on "Confined"! Like especially bad porn tags & titles (#Pornomedy), peculiar products, strange spells, terrible t-shirts and more.

- Bizarre Craigslist ads on "Craigslost".

And there've been other itinerations. She's nothing if not consistent.

Monica's podcasts have been mentioned on The Huffington Post, Splitsider, won "Most Vulgar Canadian Podcast" and were selected for "New & Noteworthy" on iTunes a few times.

( "Episode List" here)

December 16, 2011

Episode 31 - Fake a Rape to Move to a Better Neighborhood or a Mugging to Placate Your Wife!

So... say you don't feel safe where you're living but your spouse is cool with the neighborhood - or you couldn't get your wife tickets to the final Oprah taping and know she'll be disappointed... Experts often suggest something like "communication" to resolve such situations.  But that is not the road an FT wants to take! After all, communication takes time and may not guarantee results. So why not fake a rape or assault


Because nothing brings two people closer than drama, dishonesty and FTedness!   Our esteemed Guest Judge is the fantastic comedian Jay Larson who uses his talent to crown our weekly FT winner.  He is joined by The Lurker... (Find out the identity of The Lurker by clicking here.)
And we learn how to talk dirty to a man from a wannabe Barry White. 
Buy Jay Larson's new album on iTunes or Amazon
And vote for your "favorite" FT(s) from this episode! (also below).

Podcast MP3

Subscribe, please! And rate us. Use any podcast service etc. (feed is here)  including  iTunes  - and please tell your inappropriate friends about us: rantmehard.com.  And (most especially if you like us) review us on iTunes.
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New Google+
 Page: gplus.to/sandmrants  / Voicemail line: via Skype: rantmehard Rant us! Good and hard!  / Email: info @ rantmehard.com  (or shane@ or monica@ rantmehard.com ) / Shane: Shanesworld.ca (@ShaneBee on Twitter ) / Monica: YourDoseofLunacy.com (@MonicaHamburg on Twitter)  

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